Hey Reddit Board Members, if Redditors can push a stupid button for 2 months straight you better believe we can keep Reddit "unsafe" for as long as it takes to replace Ellen Pao

Everybody likes jokes. Fat people make thin jokes, Rich people make poor jokes, and Black people make White jokes. But what is the level of offensive? Why is there a level?

Jokes are fucking jokes. If I make fun of some ham beast who decided to spam "MY WEIGHT IS UNIMPORTANT" on Tumblr, than sorry, but I am going to make a joke. The same if a white/black/yellow/green/red person tries to say they are any superior than another race, I am going to make a joke, and I have, and have been downvoted before for it.

But why is it suddenly "too far"? If we gone too far, what the fuck is /r/PicsOfDeadKids doing active for so long? Even if it is still active or not, the fact that that was allowed for so long and /r/fatpeoplehate banned shows that people are insensitive when it has something to do with themselves. It's called insecurity and everyone has it. The difference is that nobody wants to let this insecurity to be known. Especially on the internet. Because on the internet, nobody knows you are a dog, and you would like to keep it that way. (What I am trying to say is, nobody likes to be targeted).

But was anyone ever targeted? Yes. /r/fatpeoplehate was absolutely targetting individual people, they were no longer making "jokes", they were going on tumblr, facebook, and many other sites trying to get a rise (heh) out of people that weigh a bit more. I even saw pics on that subreddit of people that were very obviously big-boned, not fat, being made fun for no specific reason. When you start targeting people, you are no longer joking. You are being offensive. And you should fuck off.

My problem with this is, Reddit doesn't seem to like to just keep it simple. Everything has to be complex. So ban more than /r/fatpeoplehate and just ban everything the admins thought were "offensive." They went total Hitler mode and decided that you can't have any fun because one subreddit decided that targeting people instead of joking around like they were was a good idea.

My point is, if Reddit had any idea what it wanted to do, it would ban the actually offensive subreddits. That are targeting people, individuals, for their "inequality". That isn't joking, its discrimination. If the mods of /r/fatpeoplehate may of realized what was happening, all of this may of been avoided.

Or it may not of, I don't think we'll know. In hindsight, maybe Ellen "Hitler, The Next Generation" Pao and the admins should of asked the community what it thinks of this, instead of going ahead and just banning a subreddit because a few people were deeply offended.

/r/EllenPao_IsA_Cunt Thread Parent