Hey Reddit, did you ever get suspended or expelled from school? If so, what for?

Senior year and it was either homecoming, prom or senior skip day. A friend of mine and I decided to skip school and then about 11-12 go pick up our paychecks from the store we both worked at. I picked him up like normal and went to grab some biscuits from Hardee's.

We head to the local park where nobody is and just hang out and listen to some music when he pulls out blunt. I figure what the hell, I think we got another hour or two before we can go get our checks so. We are blazing and listening to some music eating breakfast when a helicopter flies over.

I look out while we are sitting there and see some groundskeepers out cleaning up, we good they on the other side of the park. Well the helicopter flies back over and my buddy decides he is going to yell at the helicopter about whipping their ass if they don't leave.

We laugh and laugh, about 5 mins later a cop car pulled up. We good just chill we both look over school age. The cop asks did you see two guys threating to beat up a guy in a wheelchair? No sir, we ain't seen anybody. He says OK drives to the other side of the park and I see a guy in a wheelchair sitting by a tree and can make out that he is pointing back at us.

The cop comes back and says I need to see your ID's the guy in the wheelchair said it was someone in this car hollering about whipping his ass. He calls the school, yep both are suppose to be in school. Around that time a second cop car pulls up and now we got a cop car in front and a cop car behind my Chevelle Malibu.

My friend tells me I should punch it and make it to my house since my mom knew I wasn't going to school. I tell him these are good ole boys and they would love for us to try something.

We start heading to the school and of course it is lunch time so a car everyone knew is pulling up with a cop in front and a cop behind it.

We get inside and the principal says let me see your school IDs and that he hoped we were not planning on graduating this year cause that wasn't going to happen. My friend is losing his shit cause he is living with his grandmother and she is super strict, I asked to use the phone because I knew my mom would be down there in a heartbeat but they wouldn't let me use the phone in the office and wouldn't give me change for the payphone in the hall.

Finally got a hold of my mom, friend is crying while getting chewed out by the principal. Mom shows up and the principal says we are expelling your son, she said not unless you plan on expelling every student that didn't show up today. He said well we are suspending him for 10 days, she said yeah that shit ain't going to fly either.

He said well they threaten a man in a wheelchair, she said well charge them then (cops had already left) you ain't doing nothing to him because he had my permission to not go today.

We ended up getting 7 days in school suspension.

TLDR; skipped with friend got high, ate food, got police escort for threating disabled man almost didn't graduate called mom, got 7 days in school suspension.

/r/AskReddit Thread