Hey Reddit, did you ever get suspended or expelled from school? If so, what for?

Something like it.

I swear this is 100% true even though my memory is sketchy on the exact interactions. It was after school on the final day of school. Myself and two friends were sitting at a remote corner of the school property (across a field, near some trees sort of place) waiting for my dad to pick me up.

The principal comes up to us and for some reason orders us to leave. I guess he wanted to pick one last fight for the school year. I refused, saying I was waiting to be picked up and this was the spot he always comes to so I'm not going to leave it. Principal argues with me about it.

Again for some unknowable reason, he decides he will seize my backpack without warning. Only I had one strap around my arm so he fails to yank it off me, and instead he grabs my portable guitar amp off the ground and starts walking back to the school with it. I always brought a guitar to and from school because I was in a jazz band class.

So my friend sitting there was also in the class. Really big guy, played one of those bass horns, and he was a football player. He says "___, want me to get your amp back?" I say "yeah" without thinking about it, and before I know it he's up and sprinting, catches the principal before he ever reached the building and grabs the amp out of his hand and is headed back. The principal's shock was hilarious, but he proceeds to yell stuff about what he's going to do and I start yelling back with every fucking curse I can produce.

Next thing I know we're being detained by a cop, claiming we assaulted him. Cop doesn't give a shit about what three highschoolers have to say in defense and tickets us all.

But the real payback came much later when I learned the principal retaliated by negating my credits for the school year. People I told this over the years suggested he shouldn't be able to do this, but he did. And sadly I wasn't one of those types of kids to sic the ACLU on them or whatever it takes to fight assholes in authority. So I was going to have an extra year of highschool.

Fortunately I moved to another state, and while that record followed me the new one had a process to graduate school early by issuing a test. I took it when I became old enough and got my diploma early, then walked out of school with a triumphant sense of freedom.

/r/AskReddit Thread