Hey Reddit, what’s your saddest heartbreak?

I guess I should start.

I met a wonderful woman earlier this year. She was beautiful, smart and we were a good match. I thank my lucky stars I had the courage to approach her on the street. We grew closer and eventually shared a kiss. She said she wasn’t ready for something like that though. We became really close friends and shared another.

One night she knocks on my door, I was scheduled to leave for a long summer break later that week. She ended up crying because I was leaving and spent the entire night together taking, laughing and kissing.

To my dismay a week after I left she told me she was dating someone. I’ve never felt as sad as that moment.

However the torture was prolonged as when I came back every moment together where we weren’t together was like blood was being syphoned away from my heart. All I wanted to do was kiss her and admire her beauty and smile.

For my own good I had to cut cords and de ides not to talk or see her again about a month ago. I still miss her so much.

/r/AskReddit Thread