Hey there! We've been working on a community based website called This Is Morristown and we'd love to gather some feedback!

Hey! Thanks for the awesome feedback! I'm glad you liked it.

  1. We're actually working on putting together a pretty extensive parks section. MorrisParks.net does a pretty fantastic job at presenting all of the information. So we're working to put together the best way of aggregating that. It's my belief that one of the most powerful differences between Morristown and, let's say, Hoboken or JC is our huge selection of parks and hiking within even a five minute distance.
  2. I want to just say that while it's absolutely amazing living in Morristown - I've always felt that there are two opposing groups of Morristonians. The ones that want Morristown to be a Chatham, Denville or Madison; and those that want to see Morristown become a regional powerhouse of entertainment, business and culture. Both have sides have their merits, but I've always been under the opinion that the current Morristown is just a fragment of what it could be. I wanted to point this out because it falls in line with what you said about being a young adult and living here.

As a 20-some year old myself, I can empathize with that

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