Hi everyone I'm 100% is a scam just need clarification!

Best way to mess a scamming site is to mess up their page you chat with them I link up to a scamming site with my computer and as we chatted I started to delete stuff, took off link the link to contact them, started to change all words to "Scam", basically everything was screwed. They watched as I even put 100k of eth and usdt in my account. When they saw I putting money into my account they freaked out ended the chat and the next day the site was deleted (I was crying with laughter).

Funny thing is all they had to due was hit the refresh button and the page would go to normal because there is no save button: I can just change stuff but not keep it that way (I let the hackers do that).

/r/eth_liquidity_scam Thread Link - i.redd.it