hi. I'm mentally ill. I hear voices. I see bugs and ghosts. ask me Anything. suicidal too. and a black 24 year old virgin.

I saw a beautiful Ethiopian woman wearing a purple tunic walk by my door once. Also the voices soothe me after they make me feel too bad sometimes. It's a bit out of my understanding but the line between me and them is hazy.

I've had hallucinations since fall 2015.

Now? or from my whole life? They are full of symbols, memories, etc. Mostly good or informatively negative. I don't really get nightmares (lol that's for the daytime). I used to lucid dream a lot right before my first psychosis. Lol all I can say about the last two years beyond my half remembered usual dreams is that if something is going wrong in life I dream of all my teeth either falling out or crumbling.

I don't have a favorite food and tbh I'm upset I can't answer this. oh. lol. I do like this spicy liver/tripe/meat dish from my country. weird?

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