Hi I'm new to GG and trying to figure out what my twitter feed is so active over. Game Gahzi banned me, KiA sent me here

ummmmmm ok, well thats not really addressing what I said at all, so like, ill just semi repeat what i said

Gamergate appears very right wing to me, what with the insistence of using slurs and pitching a fit when asked not to because they are extremely hurtful and contribute to systematic oppression imo.

in my experience a lot of people labeling them self as part of gamergate would call me an "sjw" and "special snowflake" and dismiss what I say for expressing the most basic luke warm progressiveness, having "too many labels" or some such, aka being marginalized in multiple ways which isn't ok apparently, or not fitting their idea of what a trans person is, i could probably go on but...

Looking in from the outside, the anti-gg side looks very authoritarian

looking from the outside, gamergate looks very unwelcoming to me, me personally, I feel that I would be dogpiled\kicked out\banned\harrassed\etc for objecting to things and voicing opinions, like objecting to slurs or thinking 101 basic lukewarm shit like "white people don't face racism" or being\doing any of the stuff i mentioned above

harassment and stuff already happens a lot to my friends on tumblr, some of them are minors and grown ass adults are harassing them cause they are a spechul snowflake\tumblarina\etc. so like yea, gamergate, which has the same kinda people who would harass me and my friends, seems as welcoming to me as I imagine "anti gamergate" is to "anti sjws", k, so how you perceive anti gamergate is probably similar to how i perceive gamergate.

lmao gamergate feels authoritarian to me, if gamergate ran the world, i think hate would abound and marginalized people would be afraid for their lives, or i know i would be....

Simply saying I care about minorities, isn't the same as acting in the interest of minorities, and does not make a movement appear liberal

ummm ok then.... so you admit gamergate isnt liberal? or what movement are you talking about, what is this sentence talking about, please explain more... if you are talking about anti gamergate\sjws you realize that a lot of sjws\anti gamergaters are actually minorities themselves right....

Every fascist movement started as a populist movement for the working people. I'm not saying anti-gg aims to become mao's people's republic of China, but I am pointing out that speaking favorably of social issues does not make the program liberal.

oooooook then.... gamergate still isnt liberal... its right wing and very conservative looking.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread