Hi r/pics! I made that bumper sticker, it's my car. There are only 5 of them, but I hereby proclaim it public domain, and authorize anyone to print and sell more

LMAO you still believe that illegals are voting. Oh you poor little baby boy. Have you ever heard of a thing called a fact? If you have, link me the facts from actual scientific studies that say 3 million illegals voted (Tweets and Breitbart don't count).

Also the electoral college had nothing to do with illegals voting, it was because they didn't believe the unwashed masses were intelligent enough to elect a president, so they had to prevent us from actually having democracy. Which, weirdly, Trump supporters seem to be for. You guys like authoritarianism, I guess. I guess you hate freedom. Too bad.

Trump needs to release every dealing he's ever done with Russia as well as conversations with Putin plus his taxes plus all of his children need to do so as well before small schmucks like you can even begin to call him transparent. You're delusional and brainwashed.

/r/pics Thread Parent Link - imgur.com