Hi, why is socialism better than socialdemocracy if socialdemocracies like Finland already work well?

Why aren't you concerned about the capitalist ruling class stealing the value of our labor? The workers (including you lol) create ALL of the value in any business. Then they throw wages at us and hoard the profits. You are at the mercy of your boss. You and your coworkers have no say in company policy or what is done with those profits.

The capitalist workplace is a feudal system. Your boss is the king, you are a serf. You don't like how you're treated? Can't take a sick day? Can't afford to buy a house and have to pay a parasite landlord to not be homeless? Your boss hired you on temporary contract to avoid giving your benefits? Too bad, wagie! The CEO needs another yacht this year. He might have to sell his 3rd vacation home if he gives you the full value of your labor. This is the best economic system mankind could muster up, sorry sweaty.

When workers try to stand up for themselves, companies spend ridiculous amounts of money to prevent the workers from unionizing. And that's just for basic labor protections. The power imbalance in this relationship is more than overwhelming.

On top of that, the ruling class buys our politicians who defend their interests. It's not corruption if you call it lobbying lol! The government is already doing what you're scared of. Instead of redistributing wealth to normal people , they funnel it to billionaires.

If reading theory isn't your cup of tea, look into professor Richard Wolff. Learn about socialism. Undo that capitalist brain washing that's clouding your view. If you're sympathetic to social democracy, you're on the right path. Challenge yourself to imagine a system that addresses these economic inequities, instead of slapping a band aid on them that protect the billionaire class.

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