Hidden room at Konpeki Plaza upper levels

Before entering the elevator that brings you back to the lobby in Konpeki Plaza, there is a conference room to the left which contains a skylight which is missing a glass segment. Using a double jump we can reach the lights and climb through the skylight, revealing another level above the corridors V has just passed.

Turning left and following the walkway around the corner of the tower, there is an opening which looks like a utility entrance, Crouching through the tunnel a room can be reached that's not accessible from the inside.

Unfortunately there seems not much of interest in here, the room looks like a maintenance room with a few containers. There is a shard on the table but for me it only contained some generic texts. Lying on the table an interesting blue chip can be seen, I think it looks like the money chip Meredith Stout has given you, but we cannot interact with it:

/r/FF06B5 Thread Link - v.redd.it