Why hide in a locker from Tombstone Myers?

I'd love to see it done formally.

Not that you asked, at all, but: as far as I can tell, this game's population vindicates Nietzsche's ideas on slave and master morality.

For example, killers try to kill survivors. To me, a reasonable definition would say that a "good killer" is a killer who consistently kills survivors. It's the purpose of the role and it's rewarded by the game. It's not really controversial. A good soccer player helps his team win, a good chess player makes his opponents concede, etc.

But here, we have whole-ass ethical(!) systems that instead define a killer as good for being some version of "nice." Did I die? Yes, well, you killed me in the wrong way, in a way I did not enjoy, so I won a larger, more important, better victory.

Even some killers think this way. We often get newer, weaker killers who wonder if it's wrong what they're doing, using language usually reserved for church.

But yeah. Somebody should.

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