Higgs particle can disintegrate into particles of dark matter, according to new model

"...other means outside of its gravitational effect. We've..."

Some gravitational effect.

Key word changed... my bad.

Imagine 2/3 of the "universe" as missing (that's roughly the amount of mass no one can account for via 'the usual suspects').

This next may seem... scattered... but if you DON'T like it (I really don't care, mainly) then downvote me again and again! Vote early! and often!

Onward through the frogs...

How does a neutron stay in place? (and in light or in spite of the search for a unified "field" theory, let's discard weak and strong forces for a bit).

Why would a chargeless particle stay put? There's only two sides to the equation, but there's three pieces in it. Yes... this is "macro" physics.

Where do black holes put the "stuff" they catch if, say, they don't put it in "real space"?

Let's postulate for a second that space has parts that can't be seen by how we... people... look at things - no, not dark matter, but "other matter". Our equipment might accidentally see a piece of it on occasion but for the most part this "other space" is both separate and together with "our space" and the piece we're able to see makes poor sense because we're missing about 2/3's of the picture.

The strongest emitters in the universe get their energy from where? Some of the strongest emitters in the universe are mere pinpoints in the cosmic scheme of things... how do they have that much energy? Where does it come from? Collapsing on itself? Oh my.

The big bang... key to all this speculation... how exactly did it happen? Remnants from the big bang previous to it gravitationally coming back together slowly until such time as heat/compression blows it apart again? Space compressed so tightly that all three spaces (the one we're in, and the other "2/3's" we can't "see" - I've taken the liberty to separate space into a triplet "balance" - you know, as nature seems to indicate from the macro to the micro to the infinitely small - am I going to, at this juncture, explain to you why I've broken it into threes? No, I'm not) are forced together regardless of separator thus causing the instant annihilation of all matter (what? can't happen? You're absolutely correct. A "rending" occurs just like it has before (everything is cyclic all the time - it's like a spiral that goes on forever and then spirals right into the other end of itself - imagine the Earth's orbit in space as the entire universe wheels back to where it started - maybe the orbit would wind up in the same place... maybe not - deal with it)

So... boom. It starts anew.

No field theory claiming one force can be forthcoming because there's three forces (actually two and an in between) and those three forces sub-set infinitely down (maybe even up, but that is another discussion).

So... three forces... or two, with one that separates the two to lesser and greater degrees.

See, one of the biggest problems with trying to understand the universe and having really cool "smashing" equipment to do it is that in order to duplicate what happened at the big bang - you need to duplicate the big bang - not going to happen (I hope... you should too) (probably wouldn't hurt though - that's a happy thought). Seeing a tiny part, an infinitesimal sliver so small as to be completely insignificant, of the process that started the universe WITHOUT being able to see what's happening to 2/3 of the process is pointless... Oh yeah, maybe we'll get some neat gadget that works off 1/3 the process, but for the most part, the information is sorely lacking in SCOPE.

Wait a minute... why am I bothering to tell YOU this? You most likely downvoted me... bastards... (I grin... as if I care - I really don't care - I should mention that... well... later)

So... dark matter is actually REALLY dark because it doesn't exist where we, as a universal function, can see it. It's not just dark... it's out of reach............................. almost.

Here's some interesting, yet banal and sophomoric, suppositions as to how problems can be solved... and while this SOUNDS pretty obvious its simplicity sometimes eludes the best of us...

*Shape is the key to function.

*Function is determined by shape.

Of course this isn't all there is to it... material of construction plays a key role too (a hammer built of feathers would be a poor hammer, however a duck made out of steel COULD be used as a hammer, just not a very good one).

Oops... sorry. Got to go.

Here's a cut and paste... Oh, before that, when I was about 12 my imagination would wander like any 12 year old's but THIS was the question that puzzled me the most.

If there are such things as "flying saucers", then how do they fly? Keeping in mind the parameters are 1) IF there are, 2) there is some force unbeknownst to us (humans) causing the movement and 3) they're doing it in "real" space. After exhausting gobs of data I concur that 1) they have existed, 2) the force would have to be generated by something physical in THIS space but not necessarily by using just THIS space, and 3) "real" space (the one we hand out in) CAN be manipulated by (marginally) controlling one of the other two "real" spaces.

Okay - - - so cut and paste... the following diatribe deals mostly with speculation on the nature of light in the universe and what it means... imagine standing outside at night and looking up into a cloudless starry night. Keep in mind the trajectory that earth is taking, along with the solar system, along with the galactic arm we're in, along with the galaxy, along with this galactic cluster, along with...

Keep in mind that everything is moving a lot... and quickly...

If you're standing and looking at a star and you move to your right or left a few feet, your eyes are STILL able to process photons from that star continuously during that movement. I am amazed every time I think about it... sorry...

This means that space, ALL of space has a continuous stream, unbroken in any direction, of photons from that star. If you were to 'transport' a 100 lightyears away in a direction inside the influence of that star's presence, you could immediately look at that star and see it because the entirety of space is completely full of photons from that star. Even considering the wave aspect versus the particle (I know, they're one and the same... wonder what happens in that space we CAN'T see from light in this one?) the light is continuously EVERYWHERE in real space. Now, intersect that star's light with all the others, and the galaxies, and the nebulae... considering that all photons are the same (there appear to be no variances but it's not known at this time) and that light makes up only a small part of the spectrum of wave... the universe is completely made up of light - there is no place in between the photons where there isn't light.

I'm still working this in.

Anyway - recent 'guessing' on my part. If you've read it... throw it out. Sorry. If it's boring or pedantic... sorry again. Didn't write it for you but you, in a round about way, asked...

Space, the universe we are in, is completely and utterly filled with "photonic" particles - from any direction and from both sides of time - completely filled with "light" - of course this is no revelation to you but after years of thought the "known" universe becomes less confusing.

*Shape is the key to function.

*Function is determined by shape.

These are obvious. Please excuse me while I reiterate, for my own edification, the foundation used in a line of research that is now decades long and briefly (or seemingly so) just within reach of one conclusion.

One of the wisest people I've ever met or had the pleasure of studying under stated "if you really know what you're talking about and completely understand how it works and what it's doing - - - you can draw it". At which point in time he would illustrate EXACTLY what he wished us to grasp and which time some of us did...

Amen, James Chalfant... amen. And rest in peace if I may be so juvenile.

This post is neither a question nor a postulate... it is, after years of consideration, a simplification. Obvious? Sure is. Insightful? In a elemental sort of way. Important? Immensely.

Ah... waking up and on the edge of consciousness resides a lifelong hint as to why, what and how. Its beautiful symmetry, stripped of complications, reveals...

Years of research, conjecture, modeling, equating, thought... the nuances of "space" side by side with another "space" and held apart yet pulled together by another "space". Almost able to see the equilibrium, the eternal flow of one to the other and back again... It almost makes sense.

This post is no more designed to ask a question or post scientific fact than it is to simply allow me to make public what it is my mind can almost get around... namely, the nature, shape, construction, and 'flow' of the universe - a lifelong endeavor made all the easier and more difficult by science.

forever yours and appreciative of your consideration;

Art Mac

And "yes" Bob... the engine works... I just don't know how yet.

/r/EverythingScience Thread Link - phys.org