High School Reunions Are the Unseasoned and Undercooked Chicken Breast of Social Gatherings

Last weekend, I attended my 20th high school reunion. This was the first reunion of any sort—high school or college—that I had any interest in going to. And not because high school and/or college were particularly difficult times for me...

• Which applies a convincing veneer of importance, like “HOLY SHIT I WAS 18 AND IT’S BEEN 20 YEARS SINCE I WAS 18 WHICH MEANS I’VE LIVED LIKE A WHOLE NEW ENTIRE LIFE SINCE HIGH SCHOOL!” And so, when I received a Facebook invite a few months ago, I began to look forward to attending.

• The high school “bad bitches” who, well, may have seen better days were the center of attention again, while the late(r) bloomers went back to being the Michelle Williams to the bad bitches’ Beyoncés.


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/r/Blackfellas Thread Link - verysmartbrothas.theroot.com