High School teacher looking for someone currently in the field that would be willing to answer questions from one of my students.

Thank you so much! My student finally made a list of questions. She said to thank you ahead of time and she appreciates your time. Below are the questions she came up with. I hope they are not too vague or hard to answer:

Questions for Forensic People:

What college did you go to?

What did you major in?

What did you minor in?

What are the best majors/minors for a forensic science job?

How long did you go to school for?

How expensive was your college?

Did you have to do an internship?

How long did it take to find work after you completed college?

What are other requirements for a forensic science job?

What does your job entail?

What are the hours like?

Is the pay well enough to support a family?

/r/forensics Thread Parent