High School teachers of Reddit, what is the one thing that you want your students to know that you’d never tell them in person?

Just want to tell you I am the opposite. I took a lot of risks, and had a ton of fun in high school. I am lucky my school system was so strong (rich town) because I still learned a lot.

However in the long run I set my life back ten years. I was having too much fun to do well in school and my parents weren't there to catch me from falling. I though I could never do the things I wanted to do, so I took an unconventional path and kept having fun.

It wasn't until almost 30 that I found the courage to be a good student and it changed my life. If I had been more serious about my education I could have made all my dreams come true, because now I know how that is done.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent