High schoolers, what do you want to major in? People who majored in that field, what are the pros and cons?

Investigate your post-undergrad options now. Consider that you will need a master's, a Psy.d, or a Ph.D to continue in the field. The first two options are very expensive. I applied to many master's programs in MHC but changed my career path. Why? Keep reading:

Avg. Salary for MHCs: 40K, top paid earners make 70K. Social workers do slightly better.

Cost of an MA: Out of the 9 programs I applied to, an MHC or an MSW was going to cost me upwards of 50K, 100K if I wanted to go to University of Miami. Tack on undergrad debt and you're looking at a huge loan repayment once you finish school.

Loan Repayment: If I started out making 40K, my loan payment each month and taxes would have left me with very little money to live off of. The one exception is if you go to a city/state school. My husband's MA in Forensic MHC at a reputable NYC city school cost him 25K, and that was a steal. And yet, he's still going for his doctorate to expand his options for the future.

Ph.Ds are free and offer stipends for the candidates, but keep in mind that each school only accepts like 8-10 students out of 100+ applicants. And the programs are 5 years long. If you plan on getting a Ph.D. start pursuing lab research experience NOW. Do research in your university, spend your summers interning, get a good GRE grade, have a good GPA (3.7 is competitive).

Psy.Ds can cost upwards of 100K. Your loan repayment will definitely eat into your salary but you'll still be left with better pay than an MA. The options/opportunity for career advancement is much better. Getting into a Psy.D program is not as competitive, but you will still need research and clinical experience as well as a good GRE score and GPA (3.5+).

TL:DR, research your future now and pick another degree if you don't find it worth it. Consider the huge financial decision you'll be making. If you are fascinated with psych and passionate about learning it, minor in it. You can always go back and take some more required courses to get into an MA program.

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