Higher Consciousness, Purpose and the Evolving Human

So its like this, purely 'philosophy' here based on my experiences and knowledge in seeking an answer to this one, not entirely disregarding science but bare with me as this may get a little etheric and 'out there' in a way

We have brief moments of realization in which our day to day self-gaming ego sort of loses its mask,

I say self-gaming because in reality, all thoughts, feelings, behaviours are something of a learned pattern, even unique ones are generated through the compounding of last behaviours with the vast, infinite wisdom of experimental creativity.

We learn what works, we learn what doesnt, but we naturally deviate and explore, this is something done by all of nature, the big bang is a large, universal deviation, genetic mutation is a small, biological deviation

What we consider 'memes' are very much the foundation of what we experience and do, we learn them from eachother, we create them within ourself through disobediance and brevity, the intricate nature of this is highly profound.

So this self-gaming ego is what we participate with nearly all of the time, its purposeful, its how we lead our lives, its how we spend time alone, and together, it is action and process, mental or physical.

But once in a while we experience a momentary dissolution, we see through this self gaming ego in that we are not it, but instead the underlying, percieving and participating entity. A state of mind so profound in that we finally get a glimpse into what the 'self' actually is, but more often than not, especially in those unexperienced it perpetuates an experience of excitement, shock or awe, which throws us off from the pure, raw experience of simply 'being'

Its funny because, a lot of things can trigger a momentary dissolution of self-gaming ego, or a state of higher awareness if you will, but the truth is that this state is underlying, it is shared by all conscious enities, potentially shared by the entirety of the universe, some call it god, some call it buddha, some call it god, some call it brahman,

But It is that which we call "I", the eternal self, that pure, raw, incomprehensible being that seemingly emerged from nothingness, but arguably and purely theoretically it predates the big bang, it cannot be destroyed, and it was not created, rather, reality emerges from it, and we are its 'offspring', working systematically together seeking a greater purpose for ourselves,

It expressing it self through through us, as we are it, giving ourselves a purpose in life is the same as having a higher purpose given to us by it in that sense. Its very incomprehensible, trying to make sense of it.

The thing is, in regards to science, we rely on measurable, repeatable and predictable happenings, very useful

But do you think science could ever possibly explain something which we cannot measure? The human consciousness, for instance, while we can scientifically study the nature of the brain and neurochemicals, even alter them to produce repeatable, subjective effects

We rely on arbitrary understanding and measures,

How can we ever scientifically prove that indeed every last human has a genuine sense of self in the same way as yourself? How do we know that someone elses nuerological electrical system is not just an unconsious computer emulating that which we know to be real?

By the same understanding, we can deviate this concept to all living beings, potentially even that which we assume to be completely unconsonscious, all we know is that it exists outside of us, in the same way that we know the self exists within ourself, but yet if we assume that awareness is a good indicator of "self reckognising self", then really, all of physicality is fundamentally aware;

Gravitation, where matter is attracted to other bits of matter for instance, thermodynamics, electromagnetism

How would any of these forces work without some fundamental awareness of that which is around it? How can we say for certain that matter is unconscious if it maintains some form of awareness? I suppose this depends entirely on how you define consciousness

In the same way though, synchronocities can be explained as mere coincidence and neurochemical reactions, because in the measurable world of scientific explanations, they verily are, but in the perception of the conscious perceiver, they are verily real. There is no supernatural, paranormal nature to these things, there is only that which can be explained occuring within and as a result of that which cannot be explained, and that which cannot be explained being dismissed by those who are not willing to believe that science is fundamentally the answer to "everything"

Being "awake" to this is in itself, essentially pointless as either way, it still changes nothing, its something that simply is and has been for a very long time, but it can be liberating to realize, as the implications it has on life and death can dismiss all fears in a person towards living their life if meditated on and understood;

Does that mean what im sharing here is the answer, "the truth and nothing but the truth"? Ask yourself, meditate and experiencn im just another perspective in this reality after all, another being with too much time on their hands that has searched for a long time to find answers due to my own fear of accepting and embracing the unknown, my ultimate dissatisfaction with the humanly idea of dying,

The conclusion ive come too after all of this is that the answer is indeed as incomprehensible as 42, once you get it, you get it, but in trying to explain it to others, words cannot possibly translate the simplistic, beautiful underlying nature that manifests in the complexity of all that is.

/r/philosophy Thread