Hilarious parody of Social Justice Warriors who troll r/conspiracy. Topminds will hate this!

"Also, everyone knows your [Source/Link] is debunked, known propaganda and ridiculous. Whether it's New York Times, Vice or a hobbyist blog. In the same paragraph I also ask "Sources?" for the most rhetorical and conjectural stuff I can recognize in your comment.

I also don't comment on WHAT you claim, but why or how I believe you're doing it. Who cares what you're claiming, I wanna shoot the messenger and make a gigantic throbbing deal about it until everyone forgets the real point of the discussion. And I get my alt-accounts to swarm it too, all agreeing with me in unison with around 20-50 upvotes every time.

I also claim you to do all of the above so that any random casual readers won't have any context or understand who's right, because I'm NOT here to make anyone believe me. I'm here to make no one care or understand the topics I'm paid to defend".

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent Link - youtube.com