Hillary Clinton: Americans elected 'someone who admitted sexual assault'

No, because I don't believe he ever admitted it.

I'm a Hillary fan, but you have a great point. Regardless of whether or not Bill Clinton was forceful with other women, he was a man in a position of power who engaged in sexual relationships with women who he had direct power over.

Now, I've listened to Lewinsky, and I believe her when she says she wasn't pressured. She was a young woman, but a young women who made her own decisions- I don't consider her to be a victim, or even someone who made a mistake.

But that doesn't excuse the president of the United States for having a sexual relationship with an intern. The power dynamic there is obscene. Even if he never had an intention of applying pressure to her, even if he was 100% sure that she knew the score and was cool with it, it's wrong.

So while this isn't as egregious as Weinstein, it's the same ballpark. If Clinton's judgement had been wrong, if Lewinsky wasn't the strong self-assured woman she turned out to be, this would have been no different from what everyone is pissed off about on Facebook this week.

So it wasn't grabbing women by the pussy, but it needs to be said: Bill Clinton was fucking wrong. And we shouldn't ignore his shit simply because it's inconvenient politically.

When the next Trump supporter brings that shit up, you say "yeah. Clinton was wrong too. It's a stain on him. Do you think that excuses Trump?"

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