Hillary Clinton commits to Fox News town hall in Detroit

Yeah, we brew two types of mead, a really sweet one for drinking, and then one where we let the fermentation go all the way out, which is much drier. It's kind of like a tannic Chardonnay, but with some under flavors of the honey. It's nice. Here's my favorite thing to cook with it (much more mead than the splash you need to deglaze a pan, as stated above). If I don't have mead I have used champagne, which has 1.6 grams of carbs per glass, so spread over five servings, a couple of cups of it in the cooking pot is not a big deal.

Chop some bacon ends and pieces fairly fine, fry them up in a pan until about 80% cooked. Toss in thinly sliced shallots (or onions if you don't have shallots handy, and then wait 10 minutes and toss in some garlic). If you have some mushrooms, dice them and toss them in the pan about now. Let the allums cook in the bacon fat until they are translucent, here is what that looks like. then pour about two cups of mead into the pan and deglaze the lovely bacon fat and garlic/onion/shallot/mushroom mess from the bottom. Toss in about three big spoons of a good mustard- it's an emulsifier and will stop your sauce from separating later.

Fill the pan with chicken thighs, put it on low. When the chicken is cooked, take it out of the pan and pour heavy creme on top. When you see how much is in there, you can see that the booze is not the carb issue with this dish, it's the onions, and even then, among that many servings, it's still a VERY keto friendly dish.

If you want to be REALLY fancy, you can put the bacon/mushroom/shallot/mustard/mead/heavy cream mixture in a blender, or just shove it in your face as fast as you can manage.

It's a big hit around here. I don't have a picture of the completed dish because at that point the house smelled like onions, bacon, and other delicious things. I try to cook this about once a month/every other month (when I get boneless, skinless chicken thighs on sale- the bacon makes it fatty enough that I feel pretty good about it) and I almost never get leftovers. - madpiratebippy

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