This is Hillary Clinton. She ran for president in 2016 and promised to keep Net Neutrality. You dummies should have voted for her because today you got screwed.

Uhhh actually she rigged it because she NEEDED to win. Immoral, debatable. Illegal, no. But it served as a means to an end. Sometimes you need to do bad things to reach your destination of good.

the dnc has the legal right to rig their elections, and if Russia would have kept to their own business and not hacked the voting machines, we'd be sitting pretty right now with net neutrality and the tpp.

But no You fucking asshole nazis, probably all privileged white "working" class men (aside from the female sex traitors), felt victimized and cried your way out of a four years of paradise. It was literally her turn - 99% odds - and you fucking blew it by not sacrificing the things YOU want for the things what I want.

I think we should make it illegal to change parties or vote third party. I'm talking felonies, so they're never allowed to vote again. We lose net neutrality today because you're greedy, privileged scum who think you can just go and vote for whoever you want like it's some entitlement you have.

The blood of the internet is on your hands, murderers.

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