Hillary is more protective of her speech transcripts than she was of her emails.

It's not Melania's looks, it's the way she's artificially creepy

You might want to meditate on that some.

LOL. This is a typical sexist male condescending comment.

I don't have to meditate on anything.

My gut reaction, and that of most people, is revulsion to obviously oversurgeried look of women with too much cosmetic surgery. You may not get it because Melania's looks are so well crafted to be that of a sex doll, that she engages male arousal as a sex object rather than any normal observation process.

But revulsion is the reaction of millions of women to Trump's distorted stream of consciousness bashing the faces, demeanor and voices, of women, and the artificial world of fake femininity he surrounds himself with. He's perfectly comfortable with treating as superior to normal women those creatures of cosmetic surgery and transgendered womanhood he likes, and putting fake, crafted women on pedestals while natural women are trashed and insulted by him.

I don't have to meditate on anything some misogynistic, sexist male thinks I need to learn. This is an election year when the voter gets to wade in and burst the bubbles of resentment, hatred and prejudice that demagogues feed their popularity off of.

We took care of Bernie Sanders and the thinly veiled, patronizing racism and misogyny of his class warfare, and it's now time to get rid of Trump and his foundation of 4chan bigotry salad.

I get to withhold my vote as are millions of women. Your candidate is tanking in Indiana and he will elsewhere, too. Especially in the general.

Go meditate on my ass withholding my vote as well as millions of other women doing the same... although you probably prefer Caitlin Jenner's ass.

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