Hillary to Voters After Losing New Hampshire: Let’s Get Real, America

Hillary's campaign is being run horribly and there are far better ways for her to explain her shortcomings than dodging and smearing.

Wall Street Connections: She could explain her wall street appeasement as a necessary evil to keep global parasite bankers from leaving the US for other financial centres, and taking all the money they've accumulated with them (leaving no hope of ever being able to get any back). It might pass muster. In addition...

Campaign finance: A presidential campaign costs nearly a billion dollars in the general election. Obama spent $16 per vote, and Bernie Sanders will need to find that kind of money solely from invididual donations? Can't be done, so Hillary needs to get big donors on board now; whereas Bernie Sanders' principles will undermine him in the general.

Young Republicanism: She supported the Republicans when their most recent president was Eisenhower, who Bernie Sanders is also fond of.

Weaker policies: She's "being honest with America" about what's likely to be achieved, because she doesn't want to overpromise and underdeliver. She could do a little smear about how Bernie Sanders is either naive or deceptive with his policies, or just have an honest debate about how policies are going to work. Instead her policies sound like hasty "me too" policies that have been watered down to avoid pissing off her donors.

Healthcare: She could outline how her "building on Obamacare" is a step closer to single payer healthcare, and mix it in with the above. Saying "single payer" would "never, ever, come to pass" was idiotic.

Progressive or Moderate: "Real progressives figure out how to get things done". She could say that Bernie Sanders is just another loud mouthed politician and remind people of the follies of "great man" history (the Bernie Campaign is obsessed with FDR and MLK), and build on her "policy wonk" image. This would also help her as a feminist.

Emails/Benghazi: She's already successfully ringfenced them as republican smears; her lying and smearing about Bernie is the only thing that gives those things any traction among democrats.

Add in some outflanking from the centre, which worked very well for Trudeau in Canada, on issues like Gun Control or wherever else she genuinely has better credentials, and she would have had a really good chance at getting the nomination and carrying the support of Bernie's grassroots movement into the general.

Too much damage has been done however, and she's circling the drain. Just goes to show that she has bad judgement and wouldn't make a good president anyway, so I'm not sad about any of it.

/r/politics Thread Link - slate.com