Hillary Voters Owe It To America To Stop Calling Everyone A Nazi And Start Reading WikiLeaks

Oil in politics is bipartisan, Hillary's connections with the Saudi Royal family is not innocent. Also, defeatism is a terrible mindset. Maybe don't directly attack the oil industries but implement several smaller policies that add up to something viable. Quiet and precise progress through minor policy change is probably the best strategy. The private sector is already investing massively in green tech so any policy that builds off this foundation is wise. Such as policies that speed up the adoption of self driving cars, or encourage and foster green start ups, or rewrite land use laws to encourage more homeowners to install solar panels, rewrite land use laws to allow for denser development, encourage public investment toward larger green projects such as solar farms, wind farms, or better public transit with millages. You can also support policies that encourage land owners to plant more trees, or to install their own rain gardens, or to provide tax breaks to people who upgrade the energy efficiency of their home, or ask your city to provide larger recycling bins so citizens pay more attention to it. A lot of this can be done at the local level which is less likely to stir the wrath of the oil companies.

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