Hindutva is bursting crackers outside today so that Hinduism can light diyas & do pooja inside tomorrow.

Perhaps the scriptures did not account for deterioration of the air quality with industrialization. Just use common sense man. Burst 2 crackers instead of 10. Don't make loud noise it hurts eardrums. Is it too much to ask? It's nice in villages where people have open spaces to enjoy the fireworks. In cities we are already troubled by industrial pollution, vehicular pollution, constant construction noise. I saw someone's rocket fly into a house yesterday. Why can't people use their heads. Just do it a little less. I don't know why everyone gets riled up about this. Wouldn't you eat less sugar if you got diabetes or control your cholesterol for a heart disease. Just do it a little less don't go nutso like it's the end of the world and you won't get to enjoy next time. Why is it so difficult?! Every little bit helps. Do something else instead. Aaargh.

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