His favorite spot when traveling.

Well yeah, it's a well known post.

title points age /r/ comnts
AWWWWWWWWWW 120 1mo aww 4
cute doggo 2165 1mo nonononoyes 31
His favorite spot when traveling. 1886 1mo Eyebleach 36
Dog gets put in trunk of car 1909 1mo nonononoyes 33
His favorite spot when traveling. 13 2mos aww 1
His favorite spot when traveling. 347 2mos AnimalsBeingDerps 7
His favorite spot when traveling. 1501 3mos nonononoyes 21
His favorite spot when traveling. 1598 3mos interestingasfuck 38
Bamboozle of the year 6269 3mos wholesomememes 64
His favorite spot when traveling. 5882 3mos oddlysatisfying 94
His favorite spot when traveling. 162548 3mos aww 1862
Fluff 248 1mo aww 4
Doggo's favorite spot when traveling. 980 2mos aww 37
His favourite spot when travelling. 1499 9dys aww 66
"how cute 44 3mos aww 3
/r/aww Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com