His profile also mentions that he has a superiority complex and comments that he's very tall and muscular

Seeing the post is about an atheist calling calling out religious intellect, I think this thread is about those things. Thus far, I just see the religious getting upset about someone calling them stupid. Granted, the one who posted the original screen cap is a moron, but that doesn't negate the fact that religious people govern off of fiction and thus are more susceptible to influence and manipulation. It's been proven that a very large majority of our nation is easily manipulated into believing in things that don't exist... they then go on to try force the entire nation to buy into their bullshit... hence the birth of MAGA. This is all very sound, reasoning. Being an atheist is difficult when you live in a world of fantasy and those who engage in this elaborate LARP are the ones trying to assume the moral reigns. It's fucking moronic.

/r/iamverysmart Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it