As a hispanic, I honestly never use Latinx and whenever I hear someone say it, they usually aren't Latino. And I'm tired of it.

Only time I’ve ever seen Latino brought up it’s always a post like this, or someone saying it’s stupid.

I’ve never come across an actual genuine push for Latinx.

I feel like this stuff is the same as the “did you just assume my gender” thing going around. I never heard anyone ever actually say that, but I heard non stop people use that joke and say it’s getting to be a problem.

I don’t doubt there’s crazy people who push Latinx, but I do doubt it’s validity, and I feel like people who complain about the Latinx “push” are the ones pretending it’s a bigger thing than it is to give themselves justice boners when they proudly exclaim “I AM LATINO!”

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent