This historic sun protection device. (X-post r/interestingasfuck)

.....Do you think women weren't oppressed in the 16th century?

I'm absolutely sure that women were extremely oppressed in the 16th century. Which is terrible. Women have been treated poorly for centuries, and I am very glad that society appears to be inching closer and closer to equality these days. Although, of course, we have a long way to go.

Do you think people are being "offended" when they mention the very relevant to this discussion reality of female oppression 500 years ago?

No... I was just replying to a 1 point comment that ended in the word "lol", I was not replying to a "relevant discussion" of the history of female oppression.

I'm not looking to argue with you, because I very much agree with what you're saying. I wasn't trying to make a huge political statement or anything, I was just making a dumb tongue-in-cheek reply to one of the very bottom-of-the-barrel comments.

Based on the post's strange subject matter alone, I thought I was in a completely different subreddit. Probably /r/todayilearned or /r/WTF or something, where the humor can get a bit more crude as the users seem to have somewhat thicker skin. Had I known I was in /r/SkincareAddiction, I wouldn't have made the comment. Although, such statements shouldn't be made on any subreddit of course.

Your comment history reveals that your edjdewdj username seems to be an alternate name used strictly for calling out offensive posts, speaking on behalf for various minorities, and discussing the damage done by "cis people". Sort of a social policing thing. Which is good. Those are subjects that are very relevant and important, and it's good to have someone who lets people know when they've stepped out of line and said things that some might find upsetting. I'm very ashamed to have said something bad enough to warrant a reply from such an account.

The comment has been deleted and I apologize profusely. I didn't mean to offend. It was in very poor taste and I'm very sorry.

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