Hit my goal of 1000% gains in under a year

The OP works in IT and having knowledge of vendor upgrades/infrastructure issues can certainly be construed as insider knowledge.

What? No. You are wrong. Information about vendor-issued upgrades and infrastructure are provided by the companies to their customers. With OP's job, that's all he really can operate off of--that and his experience/personal opinion of the product.

IT sysadmins are the specific customers who receive this information. It's really public data, even if you need to log in to view it (e.g. Workday release notes require an administrator login last I checked, but they are freely available to their customers). Insider info would be something like a member of c-suite about to get canned, upcoming acquisition, new product launches that have yet to be announced to investors, etc.

/r/wallstreetbets Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it