Hitcat comes in to attack terrorist hiding in suitcase.

People tend to think it's 'cute' with smaller animals where you can somewhat defend yourself, imo they're just trying to save face and act like they were in control the whole time. Nobody wants this done to them, and anyone would have the right to self-defense here under repeated attacks. Unfortunately when an animal is aggressive it can be an issue to other people not just the owner, hence the need to put them down. The problem is always in the adoption and lack of responsibility so it's tragic, not like it's the cat's fault. Obviously was in a situation where it felt it needed to attack to be safe. Didn't choose to be in that environment or situation. That's a bad environment for an animal. Sorry to soap box but people need to think a little harder before accepting responsibility for a separate conscious thinking thing. Could save a lot of this petty type of suffering that she went through or the cat will go through being at least declawed, which is a more invasive procedure than most are aware.

/r/hitmanimals Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it