Hog Wild: Maryland Woman Says Pigs Are Invading Her Yard

boar taint

Many workers have studied boar taint, although clear reasons for its presence in some animals are not always obvious, as it has been detected in castrated animals (Jeremiah et al., 1999), and dietary effects have not been consistent. A contemporary approach to prevent boar taint is to inhibit sexual development in entire males by manipulating the activity of gonadotropin releasing hormone by immunisation, using a vaccine such as Improvac®. Dunshea et al. (2001) measured levels of androstenone and skatole in the fat of two sets of entire boars, one set fed with Improvac and one set with a placebo. No Improvac-immunised boars contained levels of either compound above its threshold, whereas 50% of the control boars had suprathreshold levels of androstenone and 11% had suprathreshold levels of skatole. Improvac-treated boars were leaner and grew more rapidly than the controls.

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