Hogan is aiming to open most public schools on March 1st

Yes!! I am currently completing my internship as a school psychologist in a nearby school system and while I will be getting my first dose tomorrow (because our district has forced us to test throughout this entire school year despite minimal PPE and cleaning supplies) I have no idea when I will get my second dose. Why should all staff come back if we haven’t received our second dose? And what I found particularly rich was the deputy health secretary saying there have only been outbreaks in schools because they weren’t following the ideal guidelines. I’m sorry, but we were given one N95 mask for the entire year (and frankly who needs masks—we’ve been in the pandemic for months we have masks) and a used bottle of Virex with 1/4 solution left and one cloth towel to use indefinitely. That’s proper guidelines? Seriously? And on top of that, I work with students with severe disabilities who are unable to feed themselves, clean themselves, understand hygiene, and control various gross and fine motor skills (drooling, etc). How do we follow correct guidelines with these populations? What about students with severe behavioral concerns who engage in elopement and aggression? We are still expected to engage in crisis intervention techniques, but that requires removing the face mask to ensure the student is breathing and also being up in the students face. I just...no. These people have NO idea what it’s like being in a school right now.

/r/maryland Thread Parent