'Hogwarts Legacy' Community Manager confirms there are NO microtransactions in the game.

That always gets brought up. The devs have been compensated for their time. they will not go homeless because the game flops.

Yes the devs have been compensated for their time working on the game. I agree they won't be homeless if the game flops. However, the game's success will greatly impact the future of the hard working people involved in whether they get to do another project or not and also the funding they will receive (which affect their livelihoods) in the future massively depends on the success of the game.

But like, why would you send funding to someone who is actively committing harm to society? JK's views have actively incited anti-trans laws and violence. You're rewarding her, why? Because you claim someone else did some labor under that flag?

I am not rewarding her. I am buying the game to reward the people working on the game. She had 0 involvement other than the IP. I agree that it's bad the money is also sent to JK and I hate that, but I still think the benefits to the workers and my personal enjoyment of the game outweigh the negatives (that I am not even directly involved with). My personal opinion of course.

I'm shocked anybody could partake in the franchise at all anymore and be able to sleep at night.

I'm shocked you could partake in any franchise at all and be able to sleep at night. Life is grey. It's not all black and white. Sometimes you make decisions based on how many can win rather than how many can lose.

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