Hold my beer while i try to shoot a glass of tequila

Once my friend took a bottle of whiskey off his shelf meaning to take a shot. We had already been drinking quite a bit. He pours the shot, downs it, and immediately gets the worst look on his face. He runs to the side of his house and throws it all up, coming back screaming "Who the fuck put rum in my whiskey bottle?!!" We all laughed a bit, until his girlfriend was like "...wait a minute, that was you!!" Apparently he had had another late night drinking and was pissed that everyone had drank all of his whiskey, so he's like "haha, those bitches, I'll show them!" And pours a bunch of cheap gross spiced rum in there. He then completely forgot about it, until he himself took a giant unsuspecting shot. We gave him so much shit, and told him he "rumskey'd" himself. Tried to get Rumskey to stick as a nickname, but I think we all kind of forgot about it. I'll have to give him shit next time I see him.

/r/holdmybeer Thread Link - v.redd.it