Holding calories constant, eating more for breakfast than for dinner could help you lose 2 1/2 times more weight! Science-y fatlogic that I'd love someone to debunk.

There's so much to unpack here, but I'll just say that I think people who have large breakfasts are more likely to be planning their meals and snacks. Preparing a big breakfast, or even just having the freezer stocked with breakfast choices, requires some level of advance planning and execution.

Whereas people who skip breakfast might be making impulsive food choices of all kinds. Think about it--you woke up late, you skip breakfast, you're rushing out the door to get to work...you're setting yourself up for impulsivity. You're grabbing the first pastry that comes along, and probably didn't pack a lunch either, so you go out to eat with coworkers, then you feel sleepy after a rich meal and need a Starbucks drink for energy, then you get home and the family expects a big dinner, etc.

I plan to skip breakfast most days because it just feels better, personally. And then I also plan to have a big dinner most nights because that's satisfying for me at the end of a physically grueling work day. Not having a plan in place for eating, and just flying by the seat of your pants, is never really a good strategy for anyone. It's hard to make all the best choices when you're just eating whatever is the most accessible.

/r/fatlogic Thread Link - nytimes.com