The Holocaust & Hurricanocaust Death Toll Hoax?

The Holocaust didn't happen. Yes, Jews got put into camps, but because of them leading a Communist revolution a decade and a half earlier. Yes some Jews likely did die due to bad conditions, but so did a lot of Germans as the war was lost. Look at all the photos. It takes a long time for people to get that skinny, which completely goes against the narrative that they were all immediately gassed.

Other points of interest:

  • Almost all the death camps were in Polish territory which became Soviet territory. Almost all of them were destroyed.

  • The Nuremburg trials have long been regarded as corrupt. People will say anything when you threaten them with death.

  • The millions of supposed bodies have never been found which is impossible if that many people were killed in specific locations.

  • Either zero or one total person has ever been cross-examined on the Holocaust in a courtroom

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