Holy shit

Republicans, no matter how detestable they (and their policies) are, at least I know that they have no desire to inflict a wrong or injury on me personally. I'm not even talking about random posts on social media from people I don't even know... I'm talking about every time a white man has a disagreement with people associated with the left and Democrats... Just look at how people treated me here at FWR and how they were quick to do a character assassination on me. It wasn't the common insults we hear in discussions, "oh, you're stupid, an idiot, ignorant," but "your life sucks, your life is not worth living, you're a terrorist, you're a cowardly, sniveling piece of garbage, you deserve this and that."

Are you going to tell me that these people feel a shred of empathy for me? That they wouldn't hurt me if they had a chance in real life? As they feel no empathy for me...

It's time for Democrats to do a genuine self-critique, this video perhaps will never get old and could be its starting point: https://youtu.be/GLG9g7BcjKs

/r/FragileWhiteRedditor Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it