Holy shit this game isn't a dumpster fire??

I was hyped on this game for 3-5 years before release, so much so that I had pre-ordered it for both PS4 and PC. I was extremely disappointed on release day, especially when the two players found each other and confirmed there was no multiplayer whatsoever. Upon release the game was essentially a screenshot generator, which was so much less than what was expected/‘announced’.
I bet Sean was in shock when two people found each other on the first day of release.. at this point even I was calling the game No Man’s Lie and stopped playing..

I never returned NMS for either console, as I still believe in the potential this game has. Now, I jump in every couple of months and binge it for a few weeks. The game has improved so much over these few years, and it has all been free.

With Beyond coming, I will likely buy my first VR headset solely for NMS. I am super impressed with Hello Games as a developer at the moment, they seem to be taking all steps in the right direction at a time where so many developers are in the spotlight for penny pinching their consumers with microtransactions,P2W oriented systems, and just an overall lack of care. (Looking at you EA, Blizzard, Studio Wildcard/Grapeshot Studios)

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread