Home inspector 'missed' big problems. Found out after purchase.

Welcome to the unfortunate club of new homeowners expecting home inspectors to do something. I was part of it, once.

In the future, remember:

1) Home inspectors are experts on nothing. 2) They will do a "naked eye inspection," which means they won't even wiggle that taped-up duct to see if it's holding. 3) They will most likely have no liability for any of your problems, due to contract wording.

"Home inspectors" are frauds. Next time have each major component of your home (plumbing, AC, termites, roof, etc.) inspecting by a true industry professional who will give you the straight dope.

That said, unless your problems are costing you more than around $5,000 to fix, it's probably not going to be worth it to involve lawyers. The POs of my house covered up several medium-sized problems and the home inspector missed and/or disregarded them all. Sellers are well-protected, even with disclosure forms (which most folks will tell you are worth the paper they're printed on, and that's it).

/r/HomeImprovement Thread