Homeless people have become a plague

There have always been a lot of homeless people in California but in the is past year it’s gotten way worse. I used to be pretty familiar with the ones that hung around near my work place. Most of them were friendly & respectful. But holy fuck I’ve seen a lot of new faces.

A couple weeks ago, I decided to eat out on my lunch break. The place I was going to eat at was only about 3 blocks away so I didn’t want to drive, & about halfway there I noticed there was a homeless man following me. At first I thought I was being paranoid, but he crossed the street after me as I tried to lose him. I finally lost him when I crossed the street at a changing stoplight. I made it to the restaurant, before I left I noticed the same guy not too far outside from the restaurant tweaking out. I’m only 5’2 & no more than 110 lbs so I decided not to risk it. I called a coworker, explained the situation, & they picked me up. Prior to that experience I had never felt unsafe in that area.

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