Homophobia in surprising subreddits

It was NOT a homphobic post. It was a singular sentence saying that the synthesis ending was gay. That does not constitute some sort of alert and drawing alertists to another sub. Had it said something like; "Gays are ruining muh mass effect", you would have been justified. The poster EXPLICITLY stated in another post that he is pro rights and equality, and that his use of terminology is an old habit. You quite rudely stepped in to a discussion about the financial situation of cerberus to correct one word out of a several hundred word post. The poster responded to a one sentence attack with another one word attack.
This is not a serious political discussion, or anything, we were talking about our thoughts on the ending of mass effect 3. He rather incorrectly used terminology, sure. Your comment said "Don't use "gay" as an insult." Unless I've missed something, there is no reply there. Not only that, but you refuse the right of defense! I only found this through a fluke linking (The poster mentioned and linked to it when I responded to your post in my own), and you have hideously misaligned his intentions! Justice is a word meant to describe doing the right thing. Overreactions and only seeing one side of an issue is NOT justice; very rarely is there such a thing as a one sided issue. WW2, home to the greatest atrocities there has ever been, opened as a righteous war for the germans to free themselves from the debts forced on them by WW1.
I realize that I'm arguing this in the wrong subs, but I also hope the crowd here understands that one misword is not worthy of a crusade against what is otherwise one of the most equal rights friendly subs on this website.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread