A homophobic meme is posted on r/cocaine. A lesbian thinks it's offensive. Drama snowstorm occurs.

This nerd either blocked me, or deleted their account, someone else would have to tell me.

Ok so you agree that it's possible to consent to sex while drunk, just checking.

Fuck off with your disingenuous horse shit, and stop running interference for date rapists. It's a bad look.

It is possible for two conscientious adults to make a plan to have sex. The EXPLICIT difference being that the enthusiastic consent is given BEFORE the alcohol. Which does not, in any capacity, state that "Drunk people can give consent". Again, this is so fundamentally different than the situation that was being discussed that I can't help but wonder if you, like the other guy, feel a bit defensive of some Very Shitty Actions you have in your past.

Fucking terrifying that so many people like you folks are out there.

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