Homosexuality is a mental illness

I can see why one would think what you think, but struggle to understand why you continuously choose to believe it despite the fact there are several evidence based, factual, studies based on this topic that proves homo sexuality is not an illness. I honestly feel pity towards you for poorly understanding this topic.

Your statement of homosexuality being considered a mental illness 60 years ago is not an argument. Again, it was "considered", and more of what was supported by society. A lot of wrong things were very prominent during that time, which are fought against- racism, rights of minorities/women/POC, and lgbtq+ among many. I hope you know why racism has to be fought against, and rights of BIPOC, minorities need to be supported (within reason) or else this whole conversation is pointless.

Even your statement of calling mental illness as a defect reflects how your misguided perspective. It is not a defect. How can being born lgbtq+ be considered a defect? It's the equivalent of saying someone is a "defect" because they were born with a certain skin tone or hair colour.

Homosexuality is not an illness in a sense that it is a disease or sickness affecting the body or mind. How would it affect it? It doesn't. Even the argument of "procreation" is misconstrued, as again, procreation as a species may be the 'end goal', but the presence of homosexual individuals help support this end goal. It's very apparent in not only humans, but animal species.

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