The Honda D17 engine; Is it really that bad?

I mean I guess dude? What happens if this is the dudes weekend car lmao? It was stupid to you but for the time that it was released, people were looking for fuel efficient cars in the first place. Next thing is about the build. Theres so many people oit there that build NA D-series who push 1200 whp and others who so much to these engines. D series, b series, both engine models are well built and great for budget building, just depends on if you know what youre doing and what you want to do. New cars are nice and powerful yes, but the whole reason why we go back to the 90s is simply because They. Are. Fun. In fact, it was specifically the reason why he got this car and motor in the first place. Theres so many possibilities with these old chassis too, doesnt have to be shitcar and even then it doesnt have to be amazing car to be fun car either. Loud exhaust or not, we all jusy trying to habe fun here. Fuck off with your condescending bullshit.

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