To be honest, I prefer the old jungle (with spirit stone)

So i guess im the only one who loves the new jungle but hates the state of the junglers actually? I love that compared to s3 s4 jungle actually hits you and sustain isnt based on damage dealt. I hate the oppressive mobility midlaners and lack of experience given by the jungle though, and i think thats the main issue at the moment. Junglers cant get ahead, they can only get behind BUT they will come back thats why most people dont like the new jungle, no way to snowball from the jungle only no matter how hard you shit on the opponent. Ive had games where i start 10/2 in the jungle with good clearing but i will still be careful around any laners because i cannot have more levels than them and i can not 1v1 anyone but the support and the enemy jungler even if im doing great. I hated the spirit stone mechanic, deal more heal more that was the end of the road for a wide range of picks when you play to win. Sure you could go with your sona jungle and whatnot, but guess what you still can play your sona jungle and whatnot (granted it requires more preparation) or play ashe mid vs cassiopea but it will still be subpar and most junglers dont care about these picks, the problem was more when you cannot play- Buff the jungle experience when ahead, give some skills to jungle minions that you have to avoid/interrupt (yeah thats making the jungle even deadlier i still think thats not the issue), fix the discrepancy between the jungle items (i think they are almost there though), and finally buff a few of the non played junglers. If the payback for having a skill allowing you to cross walls is to have 5 less armor then its not enough. Dont give nautilus W damage when shield is not up, nerf his base health by X and give X more health to his shield from level 1 there you go! he is not tankier than before he doesnt deal more than he did before but he can clear a bit faster and is more dangerous to duel. Dont buff Aatrox, give p

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