honestly curious: why seem non-competitive behaviours in OW to be so widely accepted by the community?

The main problem I see is that with role queue now, the impact (positive as well as negative) individual players have has gone up dramatically.

I mean, I can play a mean Zarya with a good Rein as tank mate, but if our DPS are dead all the time because they decided to run into a heavy stun comp as Genji and Tracer...and keep doing so throughout the entire game, then there is not much left you can do.

Before, you could have switched to a different role and help punishing the main enemy threads to help those people stay alive and make the best out of it, but that's no longer possible.

Don't get me wrong, I really love role queue, but on the negative side it makes people not playing for the team even more of a problem than they were before. (imho that is)

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