Honestly fuck the "september is suicide prevention month" posts on social media.

Being positive is better than being negative.
Being happy is better than being sad.

Thinking positively of people is better than thinking negatively of people.
Not judging peoples intentions is better than judging peoples intentions.

Being grateful for what you have is better than not being grateful for what you have.
Loving yourself is better than not loving yourself.

We were born innocent as babies, we had a lot of fun. As we grew we gained knowledge.
Knowledge turn some people negative or positive, judgmental or not judgmental, good or bad.

we have no control of thoughts, but we can choose which thoughts we want to be. Which thoughts we want more than the other. Positive thoughts are better than negative thoughts. Good thoughts are better than bad thoughts.

Even if people don't care, the thought "September is suicide prevention month" is better than "September is suicide month".

/r/SuicideWatch Thread