Honestly, how much intimacy

I definitely agree he should be more understanding about sex, especially with all of the movement and everything that’ll affect with HG. I didn’t have sex for over two months with my husband until I hit the sweet spot with my meds, and he took it very slow at first too. There is definitely a level of consideration that is lacking.

THAT BEING SAID, for a lot of gamers, it is stress relieving. 2 hours is not very much for a gamer at all, and sex is also a major stress reliever for a lot of people. I would rather my husband game when I’m not feeling well and not let stress build up, than have him not have any outlet to handle that stress and anxiety with. Especially because I wouldn’t want to be judged for the things that relieve my stress.

Also, it may be recent that he is helping, but some people get no help at all. If someone is trying to help and their partners are getting mad, that definitely discourages people from wanting to make any changes in the future. At least that’s how I would feel. I think you should definitely be getting more support, but I also feel like that needs to be advocated for in a positive way.

/r/HyperemesisGravidarum Thread